… by clinging to the side of the pool.
At some point, if you want to learn to swim, you are going to have to leave the side of the pool and remove the safety net of being able to reach out and grab the ladder. Sure, there are steps you need to take and knowledge you need to learn before letting go but if you are ever going to learn to swim, you’ll need to just let go and give it a crack.
We are currently in the midst of the biggest single health crisis of our generation – and we hope, of our life time – and it is now more important than ever to take the plunge towards the new normal, whatever that means. Businesses will need to re-define and re-establish themselves once the worst of this is behind us and yet many, I suspect, will take a “softly, softly” approach. If ever there was a time to do it, it is now – they could “let go of the ladder” and take a once in a generation (or indeed once in a lifetime) leap into the future.
I know that this won’t work for all businesses and I know that risk profiles and a need for certainty will play a huge role in determining how big a leap your organisation is prepared to take. That said, if you don’t do it post-Coronavirus, when will you do it? Are you simply going to dog-paddle back towards the way you did business in 2019 or are going to jump in at the deep and swim?
Clearly, it is not my decision but I can say this with certainty – if you need our support or guidance in, we’d love to help. Get in touch with me personally by sending an email to neiluntypical.com.au